洞察力 2021年5月4日


作者:Tim Howell, Mitie 风景总经理

An organisations approach to biodiversity is a visible statement of their approach to climate action.  While a well-kept lawn at the front of an office looks pristine, 它的生物多样性实际上很低, 而是一个充满野花的空间, 鸟箱和树仍然可以看起来聪明和诱人, as well as showing to staff and customers alike that the organisation is taking action to minimise their impact on the environment. 除了, incorporating the outdoor space into your return-to-work strategy provides new space to collaborate, 锻炼, 并支持员工的福利.

The 2020 UK Biodiversity indicators identify that since 1987 t在这里 has been a 30% decrease in pollinator species1 . However, 1 in 3 mouthfuls of food we eat rely on a pollinators, such as bees, to pollinate them. Further decline in invertebrate species could have lasting consequences on our food security.

To improve your organisations approach to biodiversity consider implementing the following schemes:


Reducing the frequency that lawns are cut provides an opportunity for plants and nature to grow and recover, 合适的地区可以在一年的大部分时间里不被砍伐. 植树为野生动物的繁衍提供了更多的空间. 小路可以穿过草地和更大的空间, 并且安装了长凳,为同事们创造了会面的空间, 锻炼和放松. In 2019 the average lawn was found to produce enough nectar to feed 1,088 bees per day2 . Lawns mowed once a month provide the most nectar and unmown grass provides a greater range of plants


Particular species including Lavender, Hebe, Sedum, Red Valerium attract pollinator species. 结合新的树篱, 覆盖物种植机和其他可持续种植机, space that is currently unloved can quickly be heaving with wildlife. 树篱是大量野生动物的栖息地. Different species live at different heights within the hedgerows, 黑鹂和苍头燕雀在高处筑巢, while grey partridges use grass cover at the bottom of a hedge to nest and hedgehogs feed at the base of the hedge3 .


Even the most intensively built-up city centres can still be havens for bees and other insects, by adding a professionally installed green roof using plants such as Sedum, 亚罗, 和百里香. 绿色屋顶可以减少你的能源账单, 有助于抵消城市热岛的加热效应, 减少空气污染. An urban heat islands (UHI) is an area that’s a lot warmer than the rural areas surrounding it, 通常是1-3摄氏度4 . UHI的空气和水质量比农村地区差.


鸟, 蝙蝠和猫头鹰盒子, 刺猬的房子, 日志成堆, and wildlife walkways are just some of the solutions that can be incorporated into your facility. A hibernaculum made from tubes buried underground is an ideal home for toads, 青蛙和爬行动物在寒冷的冬季5.


Providing information and updates about the schemes and spaces you are developing will encourage staff to make more use of outdoor spaces. Signage identifying different species and bird box locations along a new pathway for example, 将帮助员工与自然接触. Evidence from Natural England shows the importance of nature to people’s health and wellbeing, with 85% of people surveyed saying that being in nature makes them happy6.

2020年9月, the UK 政府ernment committed to protecting 30% of UK land by 2030 to support nature’s recovery. Mitie is dedicated to enhancing biodiversity, creating bespoke solutions for our customers. 玩滚球的靠谱平台的专家: (电子邮件保护) to find out more about how we can enhance the biodiversity across your facilities.

请加入我们,支持#NoMowMay #. We are encouraging our customers to reduce the frequency or stop mowing their lawns throughout the whole of May. 了解更多 在这里.




3 http://www.皇家Bird类保护协会.org.uk/our-work/conservation/conservation-and sustainability/advice/conservation-land-management-advice/farm-hedges/the-value-of-hedgerows-for-wildlife/




